Welcome to Achiverse
Track Your Achievements & Bucketlist
Achiverse enables you to collect, in a single place, all the Achievements you've earned and to track your Bucketlist as well. From visiting Banff National Park to Summiting Mount Kilimanjaro or Swimming in Lake Hillier. To begin collecting Achievements Sign Up, or, go to Achievements in the Menu to explore which one are already available.
Visit Banff National Park
Get Achievements Automatically
Automatically you will collect other Achievements. For example, if you have surfed Mavericks, you'll get the Achievement of Travel to California and also Travel to USA.
Travel to United States of America
Get Badges And Rank Amongst Other Users
While collecting Achievements, you'll earn Badges and Medals. There's a lot of different Badges and each one has their own users Ranking. For example, if you visit all the countries in Oceania you'll get the Voyager Badge.
Travel to all Countries in Oceania
The Seven Summits
Summit the Seven summits based on the Bass list, that is the highest peak on each continent
The True North
Travel to all Provinces/Territories in Canada
Run as many Marathons as you can
All Caps
Visit as many capital cities as you can
Eat in as many Restaurants as you can that have/had 3 Michelin Stars
Die Hard
Watch as many movies with Bruce Willis in the cast as you can
Get Medals
Each Badge has their own Medals. Every 5 Achievements you'll earn a Medal and you'll get closer to earn the Badge.
Visit as many cities as you can
Avid Reader
Read as many Books as you can
See Waterfalls in Iceland
Ride as many different vehicles as you can
Feet on the Ground
Hike as many trails as you can
Attend as many Concerts as you can
Visit all Types of Landmarks
Peak Conqueror
Summit a Peak in each continent
Create New Achievements & Badges & Earn Reputation
Once you have Signed In, you'll be able to create new Achievements and Badges. If you want a new Category, send us a message and we'll create it for you.
There are 1.307 Achievements.
- 1.560 Reputation
- 51 Achievements