Traducció Pendent

Viatjar a Santorini

Santorini is an island in the southern Aegean Sea, about 200 km southeast of Greece's mainland. It is the largest island of a small, circular archipelago, which bears the same name and is the remnant of a volcanic caldera. It forms the southernmost member of the Cyclades group of islands, with an area of approximately 73 km2 and a 2011 census population of 15,550.(Wikipedia)

  • Característiques
  • Tipus d'Illa: Illa Volcànica
  • Arxipèlag: Cíclades
  • País: Grècia
  • Massa d'aigua: Mar Egeu
  • Àrea: 75.00 Km2
  • Usuaris amb aquest Assoliment (1)