Traducción Pendiente

Montar en un Telesquí de cuerda

A rope tow consists of a cable or rope running through a bullwheel (large horizontal pulley) at the bottom and one at the top, powered by an engine at one end. In the simplest case, a rope tow is where passengers grab hold of a rope and are pulled along while standing on their skis or snowboards and are pulled up a hill. The grade of this style of tow is limited by passenger grip strength and the fact that sheaves (pulleys that support the rope above the ground) cannot be used.

  • Características
  • Vehículo: Telesquí de cuerda
  • Medio de transporte: Cable
  • Velocidad Máxima: Km/h
  • Ubicación:
  • País:
  • Usuarios con este Logro (1)