Traducció Pendent

Pujar a un Cotxe Station Wagon

A station wagon is a car body style which has a "two-box design": one for the engine, and the other a passenger area that includes a large cargo area and rear tailgate hinged to open from the back for access to the cargo area. The body style is similar to hatchback cars, however, station wagons are longer, and are more likely to have the roofline extended to the rear of the car (resulting in a vertical rear surface to the car) to maximize the cargo space.(Wikipedia)

  • Característiques
  • Vehícle: Cotxe Station Wagon
  • Mitjà de Transport: Carretera
  • Velocitat Màxima: Km/h
  • Ubicació:
  • País:
  • Usuaris amb aquest Assoliment (1)